Insurance Totaled the ZJ


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
Some may recall a Deer tried to play Frogger with my ZJ. well, Insurance called and here's what they offered.

$2578.50 included tax and tag stuff

Buy back on my ZJ is $500

The damn Jeep wasn't worth but about $900 KBB.


A. take the payout, buy back the Jeep, pick up some doors and have my buddy fix the B-pillar for a few hundred. and pocket the rest (approx. 12-1400) Keep driving ZJ.

2. Take payout, buy back the ZJ, remove doors and wheel it, Sell CJ and buy DD with CJ sale and Payout.

C. Take payout, buy back ZJ, Part it out for more than $500 get a DD

IV. sell everything and get a bicycle.. a really nice one!

thoughts? ideas?
buy back, don't fix zj beat it and use the money for a little dd
i vote for option 2.

then you wont be scared to really wheel it hard since it'll only be worth $500
option 2

Take the remaining $2k and apply it towards a new DD. That's what the ins. $$ is for anyway, right?
Make sure ZJ is safely drivable, make it a beater rig.
Now that you already have body damage, nothing holding you back from just having fun w/ it, eh?
Put CJ on the trail!!!!!:driver: You have a lot of time building it.... use the pay off to buy beer! sell the zj to fund more mods on the CJ and make the wife buy you a DD!!!!!
Take payout buy it back and fix the doors and pocket the rest.:beer: That is if you want to keep driving the ZJ.
C, part it out, even though i love my zj, there are far better platforms to build from and/or use as a DD. You've already got a CJ, so part it out, and buy a honda or similar for a DD
ummm take all the money and finish the cj and wheel it and dd it!

Its been long enough, my jeep was still all stock when i saw yours sitting at bills down in westfield, and you were halfway there. lol

Its all good though, cause i know how it goes buddy.
Wont the B pilar make the ZJ exceptionally weak in the chasis? I know once a car gets hit in that area they are pretty much a lost cause..... am i wrong? Might split in half on the trails when you are beatin it!
I'll vote for Option #5 because...

A. take the payout, buy back the Jeep, pick up some doors and have my buddy fix the B-pillar for a few hundred. and pocket the rest (approx. 12-1400) Keep driving ZJ.

You do NOT need doors to wheel it & the b-pillar ain't damaged that bad! Take off the skirt and buy a slide hammer!

2. Take payout, buy back the ZJ, remove doors and wheel it, Sell CJ and buy DD with CJ sale and Payout.

You tried that "sell" crap before... truth be told, the economy/market will NOT support your asking price. Not that Bounty isn't worth that, just there's a metric buttload of rigs to choose from... buyers market.

C. Take payout, buy back ZJ, Part it out for more than $500 get a DD

Then what would you wheel? Your a bit too big for the girls PowerWheels! :lol:

IV. sell everything and get a bicycle.. a really nice one!

That'll make that 75 mile commute "fly" by! :rolleyes:

Dave's Option #5:
- By back ZJ. Remove those sissy doors. Either weld the turdy5 & buy many spares or put a REAL axle in the rear. Wheel till the tires fall off... "$#!7 Rocket" style!
- Take remaining funds & purchase an economical DD (your partner in PW crime, Spat has a diesel Rabbit for sale)
- Continue to mow around the CJ, moving it every month, so as not to kill ALL the grass. Sit in it weekly making "vrrrooom!" noises until you finally will it to a grandson (that should cover the next 10-15 years)

On second thought, sell them both, buy a pink Cabriolet and turn in your Nueticals... Your done wheeling anyway! :flipoff2:
buy back the ZJ.. Save it for the URE cross....

Go buy another ZJ for a DD, because it sounds like your only still here because you were in a ZJ.. have you of hit that deer in a rice rocket, the outcome could be painful
Unless you want two vehicles that you won't wheel I would let them have the rig. The only exception is if you can sell the ZJ for $500 or more on here as is?

Take the cash and buy a small, 35+ mpg vehicle, take the remainder of cash and do whatever is needed (if anything?) to get the CJ on the trails?

OR...if you have decided for family reasons the CJ is not the direction you want to go...get it running/turn key rockcrawler and then sell it / buy a family wheeling rig!? (Toyota LandCruisers are pretty decent choice for that)

Rigs that are not "turn key" and still in the project zone are MUCH harder to sell.

Buy it back and part it out (Probably the best option, depending on the parts you've got)

Then buy a cheap DD with the money and wheel the CJ. If the CJ needs work to get it trail ready, then use some of the funds to fix it.
- Take remaining funds & purchase an economical DD (your partner in PW crime, Spat has a diesel Rabbit for sale)
- Continue to mow around the CJ, moving it every month, so as not to kill ALL the grass. Sit in it weekly making "vrrrooom!" noises until you finally will it to a grandson (that should cover the next 10-15 years)
On second thought, sell them both, buy a pink Cabriolet and turn in your Nueticals... Your done wheeling anyway! :flipoff2:
Ah, I can feel the love Dave!
My suggestion - buy back the Grand, drive don't really need a passenger side mirror anyway...and who cares about a few dents...take the rest of the money and save it for when the Jeep falls apart completely.
Or buy the diesel Rabbit.
or buy that $500 Honda I have, put a couple hundred bucks into it, and drive it for the DD...