Interesting Email


Hasnt Seen Dirt in Years
Dec 30, 2005
Winston Salem
I have not verified any facts in this email. just thought i would pass it on for conversation.

I was in Lowes the other day for some reason and just for the heck of it I was looking at the hose attachments . They were
> > all made in China . The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose attachments there. They were made in USA. Start looking ..
> >
> > In our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects someone else - even their job . So, after reading this email, I think this lady is on the right track . Let's get behind her!
> >
> > My grandson likes Hershey's candy . I noticed, though, that it is marked made in Mexico now.. I do not buy it any more.
> >
> > My favorite toothpaste Colgate is made in Mexico ... now I have switched to Crest. You have to read the labels on everything ..
> >
> > This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets . I was in the light bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand I normally buy was an off-brand labeled, "Everyday Value." I picked up both types of bulbs and compared the stats - they were the same except for the price ... The GE bulbs were more money than the Everyday Value brandbut the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that GE was made in MEXICO and the Everyday Value brand was made in - get ready for this - the USA at a company in Cleveland , Ohio .
> >
> > So throw out the myth that you cannot find products you use every day that are made right here ..
> >
> > So on to another aisle - Bounce Dryer Sheets... . yep, you guessed it, bounce cost more money and is made in Canada . The Everyday Value brand was less money and MADE IN THE USA ! I did laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets performed just like the Bounce Free I have been using for years and at almost half the price!
Here's the rub: companies move operations overseas because it's beneficial for them to do so. There are lots of things that can cause this. Sometimes the country has a lower standard of living, so they can pay workers less to do the same job. Sometimes there are lower regulatory costs or tax benefits.

Some of these issues are variable. They can work both ways. Increases in cost of living in Japan and Hong Kong means that our workers are now competitive with theirs. Remember, people feared for 30 years that the Japanese were going to steal our jobs. Changes in exchange rates now mean it's cheaper for European car companies to assemble their cars here.

But at the end of the day, your lightbulb purchase doesn't mean much, regardless of what nostalgic or patriotic reasons you had for doing so. Your purchase is dwarfed by the purchases of hundreds of thousands of companies all around the world that are choosing strictly based on cost/benefit.

If you want to see US manufacturing and US businesses succeed, it's up to you to call bullshit whenever politicians start talking economics. When they start talking about how they're going to tax Exxon for making too much money, or how they're going to tax away the banks' bonus checks because bankers are greedy, it's up to you to see through the rhetoric. Every law that makes it more difficult or more expensive to do business in the US means that companies will do less business here, plain and simple. Being competitive in the world market means encouraging innovation, making it easy for folks to take a chance on a good idea, and rewarding those who succeed.

Remember, a businessman can't knock a congressman out of office. But a congressman sure as hell can put the businessman out of a job.
i wasnt posting it for the "buy american" idealogy.

I thought it was interesting that the companies that outsourced their work had higher prices than those that didnt.
I thought it was interesting that the companies that outsourced their work had higher prices than those that didnt.

No, let's be clear here: You thought it was interesting that you got an email that alleges that a couple of Whole Foods house brand products cost less than name brand varieties, despite the email's claim that the name brand was produced overseas.

If that's true, good for John Mackey. But you have absolutely no idea whether or not it is.

No, let's be clear here: You thought it was interesting that you got an email that alleges that a couple of Whole Foods house brand products cost less than name brand varieties, despite the email's claim that the name brand was produced overseas.
If that's true, good for John Mackey. But you have absolutely no idea whether or not it is.

get bent :shaking:

I think it's a great idea to buy products made in the USA (not America).
No, let's be clear here: You thought it was interesting that you got an email that alleges that a couple of Whole Foods house brand products cost less than name brand varieties, despite the email's claim that the name brand was produced overseas.
If that's true, good for John Mackey. But you have absolutely no idea whether or not it is.

true..i have said i have not verified any info here. i posted it for the purpose of discussing the facts.

dont be so quick to jump down my shit.
I got an interesting email the other day that said that Bill Gates would send a dollar to me and a dollar to Haiti relief efforts for every person that I forwarded the email to.

I have no idea whether or not it's true, but it's interesting.

I think that we found something that fires him up. Funny how some people are so passionate about some things while others could care less.

I do agree that the government hasn't made it easy for U.S. companies to stay U.S. companies.
You get an F for reading comprehension.

lol, ok. if your gonna be a douche about it we can do it your way. forget the email.

Hey fellas, have anyone of you noticed a difference in prices between american made stuff and foreign made stuff?
You have to be careful with the so called store brand stuff actually being made in the USA 95% of stores do not make any product at all. All they do is get another manufacturer to brand label their product.

No store brand label will say where or who produced it it will just say distrubuted by such and such.

The example I use is the cannery I worked for in Effingham SC they brand labeled for Food Lion, Walmart, Sams club and several other major stores but if you look at the label you would have never known that those vegitables had been canned in SC. Every label had that particular stores distribution address on them no where on the can did it say Mccall Farms or Margret Homes which is the actual company who canned it.
it depends on what your buying too. some of the foreign made stuff is cheaper because it isnt made with as good of quality or craftsmanship. to get more stuff back to the U.S. people will have to quit voting like they are now in these elections, and not just the presidental elections either people need to vote al the way down from federal to state to local governments. and i would like to see somebody that cares less about civil rights (for a short term) and more about how to get this country out of debt (even though it is more than likely impossible because right now all the government is doing is paying the interest) and put some of these people to work doing even little things like in the great depression. i also think that politicians should not get paid as much as they do. to me if a president walked into his first day of office and said alright first cut every congressmans pay in half, cut mine in half, and actually tell what is happening in his own words instead of reading them off a screen. theres more i just wont get into it righ now
I got an interesting email the other day that said that Bill Gates would send a dollar to me and a dollar to Haiti relief efforts for every person that I forwarded the email to.

I have no idea whether or not it's true, but it's interesting.


It is true!
I got that same email about 5 years ago, only he was going to send me $1 for every person I forwarded it to, .50 for each of their forwards and .25 for each their's.

No I never got any money, but the lady who sent it to me, she knew a lady who's cousin got some mad cash off it.
You get an F for reading comprehension.
I got an interesting email the other day that said that Bill Gates would send a dollar to me and a dollar to Haiti relief efforts for every person that I forwarded the email to.

I have no idea whether or not it's true, but it's interesting.


Urine wheaties again?
for all the naysayers of foreign products, if you can spare an few hours, read The Choice
here are a few chapters from it.

I read that excerpt.

the selections of chapters were about Japan. it was warning of the harms of protectionist economics.

The Japanese however consider the removal of protectionist policy as the downfall of their way of life. It destroyed their religion. It brought down their political structure, and it anhiliated their culture. Japan has been assimiliated by the industrial world lost much of their heritage. good or bad....depends on your point of view.

And before Hitler went mentally ill his protectionist policies helped the german nation pull out of a severe depression after WWI and brought it to the height of its empire.

I'm not saying that im am a protectionist, im just saying that the premise of that book (no country can be effecient at making everything) isnt always true.

The U.S. has the resources and manpower to be a totally self sufficient country. But that would devastate other nations that rely on the business of the U.S. because of our bleeding hearts we cant destroy nother countries economy to grow our own.

it sounds like an interesting read though.