Invisible dog fence question


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Has anyone ever heard of DogWatch fence systems?
One of my customers has one and I've cut a wire somewhere but my regular tracking box does not do good with this system. I called Invisible Fence one time to help but they said that DogWatch has different technology.
Seems like a wire underground to me that I can fix but for whatever reason this wire screws with my locator box.
The Dogwatch people are of no help, they take days to get to the job for a service call then bitch and blame for all they're worth (at least the tech that comes to this house does).
Any help would be appreciated.
Man have I been in your shoes, I usually just start at one end of the property and start pulling the wire out until i find it. Sorry I bet that doesn't help but its all I got.

I had an Invisible fence, but it sounds like the dog watch is different.

I take it you're trying find WHERE you cut it? or how to fix a cut line?

I know my wire was a twisted pair, and if cut, you could just splice it back together. Insulated at teh splice of course.

But then as you said, the Dogwatch system is a different technology, so that may not apply.... but sure seems you could just splice it back.
Well it's still wire. I'll probably spend more time f---ing with this wire tomorrow than it took me to do the entire job today.:fuck-you: