Ipod or MP3 player?


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
My wife wants one for Christmas but I do not know anything about them. Will an Ipod work with a PC? What is the difference between an Ipod and an MP3 player? Any suggestions on what to get without breaking the bank?
I have an ipod video 30 gig. I'm a Big Mac Fan, I'll not buy another iPod. That's how impressed I am :shaking:

now I've not used many, so the same may hold true across the board, but battery life sux, It locks up, sound will just quit while still playing. to replace the battery you have to send it back to the factory. First year is under warranty, after that it's $70 each time. Plastic Screen is exposed to scratching and not recessed like others.

Take a look at Creative. they have some nice pieces. and one that does a lot more than any iPod.

Like said, I'm a mac fan, but I don't endorse the iPod.

Edit: Creative Zen: http://www.creative.com/products/mp3/zenmicrophoto/home.asp

oh and iPod vs Mp3 player = an iPod is an mp3 player. an MP3 is a sound/video file. so an MP3 player is a device that plays MP3's Hell, there's cell phones that do all this now, so why not get her one of those and she'll really love you :D
I'm a big Apple fan here as well. Own a 30G Video iPod and I'm happy with it too. But on the same note I would not be against looking into other options. Some companies are releasing some really cool things. Some of which have already been posted.

Thread Jack:
Hey mbalbritton, where do you get your Apple products repaired in Winston Salem? I've got a G4 Powerbook that I need to have a new harddrive installed in. I'm thinking of taking it to Computertree in Winston, any thoughts?


Hey mbalbritton, where do you get your Apple products repaired in Winston Salem? I've got a G4 Powerbook that I need to have a new harddrive installed in. I'm thinking of taking it to Computertree in Winston, any thoughts?

I don't, I do any repairs myself. But can't say I've been into a powerbook before. I'd love to have a hack at it though :D

hell, I figured out how to open my Macmini with a butter knife :shaking: I'm sure I can figure out a powerbook.

but to take it somewhere. I'd call Ikon over on Burke street. there's a Mac guy there that's damn good.
Ipods are good, but its hard to get songs off of anything but itunes for a dollar a pop. So if you enjoy to download music from sites of dubious legality then go with another kind of mp3.
wut do you mean its hard to find music that will copy into the Ipod...I use Bit Torrent/Limewire and I just copy/paste it right into Itunes....works every time.

My mp3 player says Dell Inspiron 1405 on it. It has a 60gig hd, 1g ram, 1.7 Mhz P4 Pentium and I can surf the web, do spreedsheets, or whatever the hell I want to with it.
another PITA about the iPod, I have my iTunes at home and at work loaded with music. your iPod won't let you sink to both to keep them updated with the same stuff. you have to do it maunally and you can't download FROM the ipod. There is freeware that let's you do it, but it's another piece of software. or you have to use your iPod as an external hard drive and do it manually. :p
another PITA about the iPod, I have my iTunes at home and at work loaded with music. your iPod won't let you sink to both to keep them updated with the same stuff. you have to do it maunally and you can't download FROM the ipod. There is freeware that let's you do it, but it's another piece of software. or you have to use your iPod as an external hard drive and do it manually. :p
They HAD to do that.
As it is, because they are the "800lb gorilla" in the market, the record companies are gunning for them hard. If they wouldn't have made it at least "difficult" to mass copy all of your songs to another persons PC etc, they would have been sued into oblivion.
The GOOD thing is iTunes. The Bad thing is also iTunes.
Good of it:
It just works. That seems to be Apple's philosophy since about System 7.1. (Before that it was arguable) iTunes will let you EASILY play audio mp3's, aac's(both with DRM and without) and video mp4, mov, and m4v. As long as you only have one computer to plug it into, using ONE ACCOUNT, it's very simple.

Bad of it:
Multiple computers. You can use the second computer to charge the iPod, but you have to be VERY careful you don't accidentally "sync" the iPod to the other compie, or you will erase everything.
Multiple accounts, the same problem as multiple computers.
MS proprietary formats. Wait? it plays the generic and apple's proprietary, of course it won't play MS's format.
.ogg The "open source" format. Oh well, I have a converter. But honestly, I've never ripped a CD to Ogg before. soo, ermm

In summary, the iPod is very good, and it "is the mp3 player to have" Hence your confusion about an iPod or an mp3 player.
The iPod is a bit pricey, but I've been very happy with mine, and unlike mbal my battery is still in great shape. (As is everyone's in my family. Father in law gave everyone iPod's last year for Christmas. Granted only his wife got the video iPod, so that might be the battery life issue. Watching video in color on a backlit screen will eat a battery VERY fast. Just like cranking down the brightness on your laptop will save your battery.

Anyway, for your wife, if she's technical, there are "cooler" 'mp3' players out there. If she wants it simple, and will use it on one computer, go with an iPod. (also if she wants it to show off to her friends, etc. "My iPod" sounds much better than "My Creative Zen". The other option is the recently release Microsoft Zune. Haven't seen one yet though.

Happy shopping. and treat everything in here as PURELY my opinion. If your wife doesn't like your choice, it wasn't my fault. ;)
My mp3 player says Dell Inspiron 1405 on it. It has a 60gig hd, 1g ram, 1.7 Mhz P4 Pentium and I can surf the web, do spreedsheets, or whatever the hell I want to with it.

Dude thats gotta suck to put in your pocket and go running with....

Not to mention how well does it hook up to your car stereo (yes I know it CAN be done...)

Thats like saying my calculator says Dell xps 700....
They HAD to do that.
As it is, because they are the "800lb gorilla" in the market, the record companies are gunning for them hard. If they wouldn't have made it at least "difficult" to mass copy all of your songs to another persons PC etc, they would have been sued into oblivion.

very true. And Funny how I don't recall anyone bitchin at TDK and Maxwell for making blank tapes and Sony and Phillips for making reordable tape decks that I could record my buddies Iron Maiden Tapes and Records to and from.

Guess we can thank Shawn Fanning and Lars Ulrich for that :flipoff2:
I don't think the ipods are worth what you pay for them.

I've got a Sandisk. Specifically, I have this one http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Catalog(1073)-SanDisk_Sansa_e100_Series_MP3_Players.aspx in the 1GB version.

3 major things I like about mine:
1) WAAAAAY cheaper than others.
2) You can download from any music/mp3 site, i.e. not proprietary to ITunes.
3) You can put more music on an SD memory card, therefore making expanding the amount of music and not having to delete stuff to add more.

I don't care about cool factor or having the "in" brand, I just care that it works and does what I want to do. I have a coworker that has one of these & also has an ipod she bought first. She likes the Sandisk a lot better.

Just my .02
I have had 4 Ipods (2 3rd generations, and 2 4th generations)
I have had problems with all of them. one of the 3rd generations hardrive crapped out and they wouldn't cover it because it was after a year. The other 3rd generations battery life has died down to about five minutes (once agian not cover in warrenty becasue its after 1 year. The first 4th generations hardrive crapped out also and was within the warrenty so they gave me a new one (but since it was past 6 months they made me pay 30 dollars) and now the 4th generation they gave me will start up and all it does is give me a frowning face and says got to apple.com/ipod/support. I am taking It in tommrow and probley getting a Ipod video. I guess I will get the extended warrenty on this one.
I personly don't really like ipods b/c I have had so many problems with them but currently thier is nothing that can compete with them.
2) You can download from any music/mp3 site, i.e. not proprietary to ITunes.

Several people have stated this.
WTF are you guys talking about?
You can copy any mp3's etc into it.
AKA DL from ANY site, unless it has MS's DRM.
OBVIOUSLY MS won't let Apple license it's DRM. And vice versa.
Of my 15ish gigs of music, prolly 2 gigs is Apple aac (none "bought" from iTunes cause I'm cheap)
13 gigs is ripped from CDs or leftover from good old Napster/college days.
So what sites can you not get music into iTunes from?
Just out of curiosity.