is it me or what???


Active Member
May 3, 2010
No really do i and my xj stink or is everyone dealing with all these dang flys??? there evvveeerrryyyyywwwhhheeeerrrrrr by the millions it seems
get some of that pelletized fly bait. sprinkle it around wherever the flys are and watch them drop. they settle down and eat on it one second and they are belly up the next.
hey now wait a min i do take a shower.......kinda lol..and the jeeps allways clean now due to layoff.. unno id need alot of them pellets cause its like the appocolyps or something here
If you will eat more garlic at every meal. Those fly's & mosquitos will leave you alone.
yeahh garlic an me just dont mix to well... but i figured out a torch is a fun way to kill them:lol: