Is my frame bent?


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
The Beach NC
So this will be a really strange post. SAMS Club remodeled their parking lot and put a stop sign up where I didnt see it. Thing is, the sign pole has one of those yellow plastic "bumpers" around the bottom half of the pole and I hit it while turning and turns out the "supposed to be soft plastic absorber" was filled with concrete. Long story short my tire hit it, jeep nearly flipped and now my wheel is pushed all the way back into the fender. I am hoping that just the control arm is bent (which visibly it is) but there is another strange problem. My window wont roll up on its own and my door no longer closes properly. It closes but doesnt line up right. Does that mean my frame is bent?
maybe...any chance tire contacted fender?
Tire definitely hit the fender which maybe could have pushed the door (wishful thinking) but by the wrinkled look of the control arm mount Im not so sure
Im thinking interference between fender and door are causing the opening/latching issues.

A control arm is one thing, bending an actual rame, well thats a little different.
Im thinking interference between fender and door are causing the opening/latching issues.

A control arm is one thing, bending an actual rame, well thats a little different.

Maybe did it push the fender back?
Was this in a grand cherokee? They don't have frames. Just take it to a body shop and get an estimate, they will be able to tell you what's bent.
HOW FAST DID YOU HIT IT? Seriously I don't mean to lol but I've never heard of anyone tweaking their frame in a parking lot. Now to think about it maybe I should ban my wife from parking lots in the gc
Will post pics when its not raining. Its really not much to see but regardless its not worth crawling under the jeep in the rain for.

HOW FAST DID YOU HIT IT? Seriously I don't mean to lol but I've never heard of anyone tweaking their frame in a parking lot. Now to think about it maybe I should ban my wife from parking lots in the gc
Not that fast, maybe 10 or a little more. I mean basically what it boils down to is I was making a left turn, didnt see the new stop sign there and hit it. I mean it would be just like hitting it head on only my front end missed it and the left front wheel which was turned out to make the left turn smacked it and sent the whole jeep airborne. I know how stupid it sounds but my head slammed the steering wheel so hard that Ive got a huge goose egg up on the noggin.
got the first estimate today....$3200 visible damage, possibly more when they take it apart. Unibody is bent, front axle is bent. 1500 + labor for new front dana 30. the rest is the frame machine and labor. I hate the thought of paying 1500 for a new dana 30 front axle. I like the idea of using that 1500 for two new beefy axles much better. Call it luck, but I have never been in a wreck and had to do this before. Can I get the insurance check made to ME instead of the body shop and then use it as I see fit? I mean obviously I would need to spend some on straightening the unibody but I would love to use the rest elsewhere!
yes tell them you wanna take it to your own mechanic. i did it with mine when i hit a deer. it was 2100 worth of damage minus my deductible of 500 i recieved a check for 1600. bought and replaced the hood, lights , fender and bumper myself had it painted and pocketed 800 bucks. make that grand a monster
if the unibody is bent, it's totaled. at least you want it to be.

Technically its uniframe, not unibody.

There IS a frame, its just weakass made of layers of sheetmetal.

Anyways, a little bent uniframe is very fixable.

A little angle or u-channel can make quite the subframe too if you're worried about strength after the fix. Great platform for skids, rockers, or Longarm mounts too...

One of my next projects is cutting out my rockers and replacing them with some 2x4 tube, I plan on putting some frame stiffeners on that tie to the rockers at the same time.