Is there a way to check fuel pressure


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Oct 22, 2005
Any quick and simple way to check fuel pressure on a 88 XJ? I know there are guages, but don't have one. The vehicle hesitates a little and dies sometime when you let off the gas. (checked filter and it was good)
I believe I would be looking for vacuum leaks.

typically there is a relief valve on the fuel rail, and you can press it when there is pressure... fuel should shoot out heavily... if it doesnt, or just trickles, there is a fuel issue...

but as said, itd check vacuum, and maybe ignition
Thanks all.
I have ruled out, engine, fuel pressure, vacum leaks, water in tank, fuel filter, pressure regulator, fuel rail, injectors. Gonna swap out coil tomorrow. Only thing left after that is computer I guess.:shaking:
Does that 88 have a throttle position sensor?

I know when I had my 90 model, I had the same problems, low idle and would shutoff some times, ended up being the throttle position sensor

It fixed it
Now I am ready to pull what little hair I have left out. Not to mention the daughter wanting to know why I cannot fix it:rolleyes:
swapped out the MAP sensor, TPS, changed coil and swapped out the EMC. Damn thing still falls on its face upon upon acceleration, hestitates, until it gets up to about 2500 rpm, then runs well. Also after shutting it off the rpms go way up upon restarting and stays there for a about 2 minutes before coming back down?? Could it be one or more of the injectors? can you check those?. I know I am running out of options and getting close to the rag and match.
The cap, plugs and wires are new. The injectors have new O rings and not leaking. The coolent temp sensor? The guage reads correct. Is this somethig different?
Thanks guys
Had a friend that had the same problem he re wired the injectors and had no problems after that he also replaced all the parts you have listed but his was doing the same thing.