Is this gm dana 60 front a good deal

I would say yes if you are specifically looking for a "new" axle because you don't see those everyday.
But no it's not for the real world of four wheeling because just as I did when building mine you tear it all apart and change axles out for chromos, change the carrier out for an ARB or whatever locker, and change steering most likely, and install slugs. It's probably a 20 yr old surplus so good chance seals are bad and looks like the breaks will probably have to be reworked. So all in all it's not worth twice what a used one is.
A lot depends on if it's had oil in it or not also. you might take the cover off of it and nothing but rust fall out. lol
Like said..yeah it's new but...
What does that give you over a $700 take out?

Axles, R&P and tubes that dont have much use stress. If someone wants a 4.56 new R&P *may* be a selling point, if it isnt pitted up and deteriorated.
Axles, while new arent beefy. The crowd that would swap them for chromo stuff is still going to swap them and the crowd that would run take out stock stuff isnt going to see a value difference.
Seals are likely dry rotted.

Lats time I saw a pallet of thse on Gov deals I think 25 went for $13,000
I would say yes if you are specifically looking for a "new" axle because you don't see those everyday.
But no it's not for the real world of four wheeling because just as I did when building mine you tear it all apart and change axles out for chromos, change the carrier out for an ARB or whatever locker, and change steering most likely, and install slugs. It's probably a 20 yr old surplus so good chance seals are bad and looks like the breaks will probably have to be reworked. So all in all it's not worth twice what a used one is.
A lot depends on if it's had oil in it or not also. you might take the cover off of it and nothing but rust fall out. lol
I don't see any benefit to that...sure it's an NOS item, which carries a premium...but guys looking to swap out axles really don't give a rats behind about NOS parts. Not to mention, you can get pretty much any other 60 take out for $1000 or less and stil have somewhere between 700-1000 left to throw at it.
Thanks for the input guys. I understand that someone wanting to build an axle really doesnt care much about anything other than a straight housing, I just wasnt sure if there was much of a market for a NOS item. I told him he should call Boyce Equipment and try to sell it to them.....!dana-front-44s-60s-more-axles/c1c1w