It could be worse.......


Active Member
Nov 4, 2013
Over the weekend I decided to change the timing belt and water pump on my wife's car (Honda Odyssey). I know most DIYs wouldn't want to touch that job with a 10 foot pole but I was confident I could do it. Four months earlier I did the same job on our v6 accord and it turned out fine. I quadruple check everything and button it all back up. I verified that the timing is right and fire it up. Sounds like complete shit and shuts off right away. I then think, maybe the belt slipped a tooth. I have it towed to the shop as I had rolled it out of the garage overnight and could not work on it safely while on our sloped driveway. The shop checks the timing and says the belt is spot on. They suspect a bent valve. I am perplexed as to how it could have happened. The old belt did not break and it was running fine. I only changed the belt because it was due. About an hour later, I hop into the JK and as soon as I shut the door, I hear a small pop and windshield cracks right down the middle from left to right. At that point I thought, this day is really going to hell. My wife remains cool as cucumber throughout all this and at that point I realized, it could be worse.

At this point, I am thinking I should take the car to Honda and see if my extended warranty will cover it. What do you guys think?
to be honest the extended warranty guys will laugh at you if they hear this story... its gonna be on you to foot the bill if honda finds out you were in the motor, and the winshield thing sucks too!!
That's what I figured. Even though it doesn't say anywhere that the dealership has to do all your maintenance. Oh well.
My wife remains cool as cucumber throughout all this and at that point I realized, it could be worse.

......That's awesome, mine would have had a fit.
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today ..." Resistance to anything that happens to us on a daily basis only gives that happening power over us. When we refuse to resist, accept, these everyday annoyances they cease to have any power over us and we can remain "cool as a cucumber" in every situation.

4wd Buddha
JC I love what you wrote. I make an effort to practice that philosophy every day. Some days are just easier than others. My kids have these books that I read to them at night about Pete the Cat. These books try to teach kids these same lessons. Here is a quote from one of the books:

"No matter what you step in, we don't cry. Because it's all good".
"It's all good. Only different." 4wd Buddha

Meaning that IT is good! IT may not be what we thought we wanted or envisioned, it's just different than what we thought or envisioned!
Turns out 2 intake valves got bent. It's all fixed up now. Note to self, never ever buy a car with a timing belt.

awww they aint too bad, i just prefer non interference (sp) engines, glad you got it fixed, did the warranty help any??
Nope but I am going to stare at those valves for the rest if my life to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.
How did it bend the valves if the timing was correct?
Well when i took the crank pulley off the keyway fell out and got out of timing. I did not realize it till the old belt was off. So i ended up turning the crank by hand to line it up while the cams were stationary. I had read that it was unlikely that you can bend valves when turning a crank by hand but i got the valves to prove it. Strange part was that it wasnt hard to turn. I am either really strong (unlikely) or the valves are real weak.