IT Pros... Training Recommendations?

Caver Dave

Just holdin' it down here in BFV
Mar 10, 2005
Hooterville (24171)
As part of my '06 deliverables, I have to take some training. Due to workload & other outside variables, it needs to be of the "boot camp" variety.

The "powers" have decided that it needs to be Exchange 2K3 specific (even though *I* did the setup, install, config, & migration from 5.5 well over 2 years ago... not to mention the day to day admin since then :rolleyes: ), so I need to find a "boot camp" to attend. No real need at this point for a full blown cert, just Exchange specific trianing...

I'd like to hear from those have done similar training (MSCE, MCSA, etc.) which trainers you liked, which trainers to run from, & why...
I went to Executrain in Raleigh, they were geared towards current IT guys, and not the "6 months ago I was a homeless crackhead" types you see on commercials.
I hate classes. They are good for intro/intermediate levels and to come up to speed. But usually by the time i can even get a class im at or past that level on a topic. While you can always learn somthing at a class i hate knowing my work is stacking up and i have to play catch up when i get back... I like the 2-3 day classes better.

As far as scpecifics, it all depends on the instructor, i dont think any one place is better than another, You get the standard issue book with some CDs, ive had awsome instructors and not so good ones.. Id call and ask about the food/snacks they offer (for FREE) some places had free coffee and cookies while other charged you or had none at all.. (that makes for a long day)

I usually come in with specific issues/probs im working on and let (make) them help me :) usually the class likes it as they get a 'real world' problem..

But this is all from someone who has never been certified in anything so take it FWIW....
The last time I went through one of those bootcamps was 6 years ago. I found it was always geared towards certification and a little light on anything interesting that wasn't already in a book. But I will say this, thanks to bootcamps I still remember which way the arrow should point in a trust. :flipoff2:
yager said:
But this is all from someone who has never been certified in anything so take it FWIW....

Yeah, but it's a big deal for a resume. It don't mean shit for real experience, but it's for sure something you can point to. Mike's employer is different than most, and he is not a good example. You are your best asset, and if someone gives you a free resume upgrade, take it.
