It's all fun and games....


Slow n easy when you're not gettin greasy....
Jan 12, 2009
Fort Mill / Indian Land SC
.... Til the boat falls off.....

On our way home from scouting gators, when this happened...


All three cross beams broke. Almost dropping the boat into the middle of I-95.....
.... hahaha yep.... Its funny b/c I was just telling my buddy his trailer was looking a lil rusty...... guess it was alot rusty
If you need a back-up boat I have an 1860 G3 w F-90 :rockon:.....seriously, tell your buddy to try an alum. 4 blade Solas or Turning point prop. Adding the Solas to my boat changed the performance like night and day from the factory 3 blade alum. prop. Hole shot will toss you out of the boat, it steers like it's on rails a wot now w smooth or choppy water and will turn on a dime at WOT. The fact prop would chine walk and blow out in chop and full throttle turns had to be wide and sweeping or the boat was unstable loaded or light.
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If you need a back-up boat I have an 1860 G3 w F-90 :rockon:.....seriously, tell your buddy to try an alum. 4 blade Solas or Turning point prop. Adding the Solas to my boat changed the performance like night and day from the factory 3 blade alum. prop. Hole shot will toss you out of the boat, it steers like it's on rails a wot now w smooth or choppy wayer and will turn on a dime at WOT. The fact prop would chine walk and blow out in chop and full throttle turns had to be wide and sweeping or the boat was unstable loaded or light.

I'll pass on that info! I know he just replaced that one, hit something in the water one night and shattered the last one. He's having it towed to his house for now, then gotta figure where to store the boat so I can weld in new cross braces. "IF" the side rails aren't rotten too...
My Solas Rubex was on sale for $115 w hub and shipping, cheaper than a factory prop and outperforms it in every way. The new alum. Turning Point 4 bld. props claim better performance than expensive stainless props and I plan to get one soon. It's a good idea to carry a spare and tools to change a broken prop. on the water.
Yeah he knows that now LOL he was actually lucky enough that it only lost 1 blade and part of another. He was able to get back to the dock at idle speed. I have to be honest and say I dont know much about boat props, is there a certain pitch that you used? He was talking about upgrading props b/c of the weight of the bowfishing deck we put on the front.
That's got the carolina squat now like some of the trucks in the douche thread!
Yamaha outboards website Performance Bulletins for the G3 1756 show a 13" for the F-60 and 15" for the F-70, they also list the motors mounted in hole #2 or up 1 from all down (top hole is #1 boat in pic is on hole 1) they are from 2009 models and deluxe/heavier models than the standard Jons. I went w the same 17" pitch as the dealers factory prop when I switched to the 4 blade, but the tach shows I'm over rpm spec ( 6300 @ WOT ). I'm going to try a 19 or 20" to see if it will keep it under 6k @ WOT, operating range is 5-6K on the 4 strokes. Less pitch= higher rpm per speed, to much pitch will bog the motor and not let it reach the max. RPMs. The typical load/passengers weight may vary the best pitch for the same boat and trying a few pitches may be needed to find the sweet one!