Jamboree field games roll call!!


YHDG's adopted son!!!
Jun 19, 2007
high point
I will be there. Who else is playing???
I'm in
Come on guys it's alot of fun and $30 is cheap
I think Marc Z. is driving up from Atlanta.
And I hope to have my jeep there..if not I'll find something to enter..The Snappy mobile sounds good.

I really cant believe more people haven't signed up...anybody can do this in any 4x4 and stand a great chance to win! In fact...the more stock the rig...the better it is,really. Correct me if I'm wrong,but you can have your wife, buddy or even you kid be the co-pilot. Its not like racing or anything fast and dangerous...

Come on folks....come play!
Shawn won last year in a 90% stock Tj