japanese beetles


Dipstick who put two vehicles on jack stands
Mar 21, 2005
Oak Ridge/Stokesdale, NC
We've got a Japanese beetle problem around our house. We have a Bloodgood Japanese Maple out front that if I shake it, about 80 beetles fly off of it. They are eating all of the leaves. What will kill them/protect the tree?
Malathion is cheap and kills them. Beetle traps will help too. Bayer tree and shrub is something you pour on the base of the tree and is systemic. It is inside the leaves and will kill beetles. The active ingredient is imidacloprid.

I use malathion on my grapes and roses but I try to not spray it on the rose blooms so it does not harm bees.
If you use a trap, set it up about 50 feet from the tree to pull them away from it.
If you use a trap, set it up about 50 feet from the tree to pull them away from it.
And 50 feet from the house. They can start smelling really bad after they start filling up....
I use Sevin, but I buy the concentrate that you mix with water. I put my sprayer on an ultra fine mist and spray the tops and undersides. It seems to keep them off my jap maples and my viburnums pretty well.
Tennis or badmitton raquet.

I got these bastards all over the place now. They've taken my grapes apart.

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Have you tried this? They seem to hate it if I remember.
Just about ANY insecticide will kill them once they start eating your leaves so get something that is safe for your plant (read the directions) and stay away from organics (they are the politically correct) insecticide :rolleyes:
The best way to do traps is to give them to all your neighbors because the ATTRACT the beetles! The white grubs in your soil are the pupae that turn into these bastards so the best way to reduce their numbers is to treat for grubs in May-June EVERY year. Merit is one of the best. You can try some Milky Spore which is a bacteria that you apply to your soil but it takes years to grow and spread enough to do any good.
My wife bought this at Lowes on Sunday. It screws on the end of the garden hose. Hopefully it works.

Our pest control (bugs and snakes) and the 15 or so (hens) crank out a dozen eggs a day. Not to mention my grass is bright green.

Bayer Rose & Flower Insect Killer in the blue spray bottle. I used it on my Japanese maple last year and the beetles disappeared the same day. I think it is time to get out there and spray it again as those things will surely be back soon.