JB Weld


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Never used this stuff before (yeah, seriously) and Im not sure if I am using this in the correct way.

Trying to repair a broken beer pong table I brought years ago (dumbass sister broke it, denies it, but I know it was her :shaking:)

anyways, one of the aluminum legs is broken all the way through. I straightened the metal the best I could but even lined up right there is still a around a 3/16" gap on one side of the leg. The JB weld isnt working too great for this area. It just wont really cover up the gap...

Should I mix it and allow it to set for a bit rather than use it right away in order to "mold it" on to the leg gap?
Considering we lived in the dorms, yes.


we used to take the mirror doors off the closets and steal square topped chairs from the common room at UT

hell the pong table in my house right now is a door now that i think about it :lol: we started the year off with 3 tables/painted pieces of plywood, loaned them all out an never got one back. last party we had we had to gank a door
well whatever, the question wasn't if I over paid, the question was how to fix it.

Plus, pretty sure a door on a couple of chairs wouldn't have gotten the same compliments from the cops :lol:
JB Kwik sets quicker...like a matter of minutes. If you're not using that, it'll take a while to dry and won't hold if you don't keep the leg in the position you want it. If I were you though, I'd go with the JB Putty.
we need a picture. In my experience JB weld doesn't work worth a damn unless it is mending 2 things that have a decent surface area to join (IE. joining pipe end to end won't work).
Your better off making a splint of some type and ducktapin it....or just using a door and two chairs:flipoff2:
seems like its going to work. Its not like the table is super heavy anyways. Only needs to last another 4 months or so anyways. We will be going all out and building a nice one for our house here in August.
I can come repair the table in exchange for beer:flipoff2: