jeep 2.5L motor swap into a Willys


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
may be doing a couple motor swaps into some old flattys. anybody know of anybody thats done this before? seems like plentiful (= cheap) motors for the little guys vs the old Fheads. do we need anything more than 3/8" adapter plates to mate to the transmissions? the 327 is just too much...
might search on the SM465/SM420 swaps, they use the gm 60deg pattern thats on the 2.5jeep motor but can go to various other things. Are you trying to use the stock stuff ? T90?
Chuck,go back with the original power plant man.By the time you figure it all out,pick up the engine/harness/etc.,get the adaptors to run a t90 or d18 behind somethin,you have gone way over the cost of picking up a flatty and rebuilding it.I am in the middle of a rebuild right now.They DO hold up to hard service and I know you aren't driving yours like I do mine.
guys, looks like Im putting in an old 350 tbi that Im tired of stepping over, since the willys is already setup for a smallblock. Its just that Im sick of trying to crank it after its set for weeks with sticking points, mechanical choke and whatnot. Im spoiled with fuel injection in my jeeps, thats just the way it is.

now to save that $$$ and put it towards a good MB...
I'm running a 4.3 sm465 & a d18 in my 48 flatty
I've often considered a 2.5/ax15/231 combo in my 3B. Just can't seem to convince myself to do it though.