jeep commander awd transmission over temp


Active Member
Sep 3, 2008
Davie County
Ok guys I need some help. My wife's 5.7 awd commander has a intermittent transmission over temp light come on. I cant find anything on the internet as to a fix just a lot of problems. I have had it to jeep dealer with no luck as its not a hard code and can not be replicated. I'm not one to throw parts at something but it being the wife's I got to do something. It appears the temp sensor is in the transmission valve body? Any Chrysler tech ran in to this problem or one of you guys fixed this in your grand or commander?
if it's the Mercedes transmission like the v6 commanders, the whole electronic plate in the valve body fixed this problem for one customer along with speed sensor issues but i don't know about the trans that's in the v8 one you have. kinda pricey part if you can confirm that it's that piece though so try to make sure it's the right part (the customer had already brought me the part so i was lucky on that one, lol. no blame on me if it didn't fix it. he done his own research which turns out common problem on the Mers trans). good luck!
The Hemi uses a 545RFE auto, not the NAG1 Mercedes based trans.
2 things come to mind that have run into over the years. First, make sure the battery and the cables are very clean and in a good state of charge. Battery and voltage issues cause a ton of random electrical concerns on WK and XK vehicles.
Since it is a random occurance, I highly doubt it is actually overheating. The over temp limit is 275* if I remember correctly.
The trans temp sensor is built into the transmission range sensor whick is on top of the valve body. It is possible the sensor itself is bad. The PCM uses that sensor as well as the ambient temp sensor ( in front of the radiator and condensor) as part of it's over temp strategy.
Make sure the fluid level is correct when you check the battery and the connections.