Jeep front axle Coil Setup Brackets

Ricky B

Wiiide Open
Mar 20, 2005
LKN - Tha Dirty Mo (Mooresville, NC)
Ok so basically the only kit made is by rubicon express and for some reason they charge like 500 for it so . . .

Other than the lower coil buckets, (which they also charge a ridiculous amount for a piece of metal the size of my hand) could you not make your own brakets to mount the links and trac bar to for alot cheaper?

Also where can you get the uppper coil buckets?
find someone with a non-disco housing for cheap, and cut off all the brackets you need, except for the drivers side upper
Yea I figured you could do that but i have alot of random metal at home so i figured i could just peice it together pretty easily instead of trying to cut the brackets off cause with an angle grinder and messin em up. The only thing I don't think I could make myself is the lower buckets, plus the upper buckets. Anyone know where to get upper buckets?
I believe they are RE. Thats who I cussed when I was putting them on. They are either RE or Teraflex. This was about 2 years ago too, so the price may have gone up, but probably not to $500.
Just build some. There isn't much to them. Use some scraps and weld up what you need. It will be easier to adjust ride height with a custom setup then when trying to adapt something to fit in there.