Jeep Grand Starter


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2006
On my 02 Jeep grand the starter solenoid took a dump. They only come with the starter... anyone have a solution?
On my 02 Jeep grand the starter solenoid took a dump. They only come with the starter... anyone have a solution?
buy a new starter :flipoff2:
or look for a used starter, if you feel like swapping the solenoids. I have a good used 4.0L starter, but I'm gonna hang on to it.
I checked AllData for my 2000 TJ, which should be the same starter. It said "Both starter motors are serviced only as a unit with their starter solenoids, and cannot be repaired. If either component is faulty or damaged, the entire starter motor and starter solenoid unit must be replaced."

Does it look like you can take it apart and replace the solenoid yourself? I've never had to look at mine.
yeah you can take it apart... its just like my '92 4.0 so im going to get a solenoid for it and see if itss go together