Jeep Roll Over.... Nearly


Mall Crawling Race Rig
Oct 31, 2008
Mountain Island
This obstacle has been featured in 4Wheeler and Peterson's 4 Wheel Drive. It is just north of Boulder, CO off of a trail called Carnage Canyon. This is Fireman's Hill...

Was a near roll over, I should have eased off the brakes sooner, but you live and learn.

let roll forward
talk about a pucker up moment!! :wheel:
Thats the same way I flopped the old TJ. It was an easy flop, but I call it ''going over, inspection sticker first''.

Nice ''stoppy'' lol
How long did it take for your backside to release its grip on your seat. Holy cow that must have increased the heart rate a bit.
The sad part was, I ran that trail a week after running Pritchett, Hells Revenge and Cliffhanger- all of which I was having to reverse out of rolls, or gas it forward out of rolls. I had watched video's of several guys flipping their rigs on that spot, but driving down it felt solid as hell. I got over confident then suddenly the ground was gone!

Nice. I nearly dumped mine on its lid like that at River Rock a few months ago. When the rear end unloads like that it feels really special. Good thing I already have brown seats in the Bronco!
Nice, I did that once bombing down a trail in a borrowed yota on 42's, in 3rd gear. My foot was already on the floor so I just kept it there, it drove right out- Sorry Mark:lol: