jeep specific junk yard


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
so where is the Great Jeep junkyard of all junk yards located. I know there is a junkyard somewhere the specialized is only in Jeep Cherokee parts. I am about at my wits end trying to find door panels for my two door Cherokee. Any suggestions would be great.
We have SJ's only here. We have shut down the mailing side and are going back to a you pull it. Tanker my other half is starting to have worsen health issues do to his 97 wood chipper accident.
I swear I'm going to start hording 2 door xj's...... I have a single 2 door door in the trailer. But it's an early model.
Hale Motor Sales, 336.635.2366, Eden NC
might be worth a call. Been a couple of years, but they had a lot of jeeps. Big yard, lots of older iron.
My father in law goes to one somewhere in Pickens S.C but I don’t know the name. I called him once looking for waggy axles seemed like a cool dude... maybe the Web will turn up his name
There's another one too somewhere in SC.. can not think of it but it has Jeep in the title. I'll see if I can get the banner and number from bishops in chesnee, last place I saw it advertised.. you tried already?

21 motors still does allot of trucks.. not sure if they have 2dr xj though.. been there a few times.
Does 21 Motors outside Mocksville (?) still specialize in trucks?

21 motors (in Hamptonville) has went to shit for parts. Only open weekdays 9-5 and last time I called, they were only interested in buying stuff for scrap. Didnt seem too keen on letting me go pull a few parts. Used to do a lot of business with them too.

That said, they still seem like good folks. They let us (FD) cut up cars for free. Just seems they have moved more towards scrap IMO.
21 motors (in Hamptonville) has went to shit for parts. Only open weekdays 9-5 and last time I called, they were only interested in buying stuff for scrap. Didnt seem too keen on letting me go pull a few parts. Used to do a lot of business with them too.

That said, they still seem like good folks. They let us (FD) cut up cars for free. Just seems they have moved more towards scrap IMO.

I got a really nice 9" Ford from them for $200 a couple months ago.
I got a really nice 9" Ford from them for $200 a couple months ago.
Good to hear. Maybe I just caught whoever in a bad mood or something. I used to buy and sell a lot up there.

Like I said, they still seem like good folks. They help us out.

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