Jeep VIN plate?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
Several years ago I switched the interiors in My Comanche with a Cherokee Interior from a wrecked one I removed the 4.0 from. I forgot to switch the VIN plates when I changed the dashboards. Lost the original Vin from the 86 Comanche (during 3 moves and 5 years). What should I do? I'm getting it back on the road soon hopefully. Thanks
3 D Printer?
What redneckjeep87 said... Vin on driver door (possibly faded out being a '86) will match VIN underhood... There are only 3/4 Number plates on that vehicle. 4th would be on the radiator support on top and fifth would be in the original owners manual. At least my 88 & 93 cherokee were that way. Chances are nobody will look except for the NC inspection guy, and just tell him to look under the hood on the firewall.
Do you think it would be illegal to sell it that way?
you can have a NCDMV certified shop install a new one, otherwise tampering with it is a felony
How often are these checked? I wouldn't worry about, but that is just me and my little opinion.