Jeep vs. Train


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
Charlotte, NC
Did anyone see the guy with the cherokee in Indian Trail who got stuck in the tracks and hit by a train? It was just on the news. Just wondering if the guys was on the board or if anyone knew him. I think it said his name was Lorenzo. He had a White cherokee on waht looked like 31s or 33s and a big stinger.
You have the link to the news article? That sucks.. was he still in the jeep??!
Ill try to find it. He jumped out right before it hit.
you can get charged for leaving a vehicle on the tracks:confused: :fuck-you: no way in hell i would try to remove it from the tracks if a train was coming and it died there.. my arse would bail too... i just cant believe they would charge someone with that crap
edit: X2^^

"" Greene is charged with careless and reckless driving and with leaving a vehicle on train tracks. ""

I guess you`re supposed to stay in your vehicle *even* when it`s stuck on RR tracks with a train bearing down on ya!:shaking:
you can get charged for leaving a vehicle on the tracks

This may be a key quote from the article:

"after it got stuck on the tracks when the driver went four wheeling"

Doesn't sound like he was exactly on Bridgeway Drive.

If you aren't crossing at a legal road crossing, you are trespassing. The RR police are pretty strict about it.
SO, was he on a legal paved rr crossing? If so, all charges should be dropped, the fact he was 4wheelin' prior to the break down should have no bearing on criminal charges. The charges imply that he was careless, and/or reckless, and that he intentionally left a vehicle on rr tracks. If it was driving on a paved road, and the POS broke down in a really bad spot, that sucks, but i can't se how any charges can be filed for really really bad luck after a day of playing in the mud.

Now, if he was crossing in the grass/dirt etc and got it "stuck" on the tracks, dude deserves everything that is coming his way, legally speaking
This may be a key quote from the article:
"after it got stuck on the tracks when the driver went four wheeling"
Doesn't sound like he was exactly on Bridgeway Drive.
If you aren't crossing at a legal road crossing, you are trespassing. The RR police are pretty strict about it.
ok yeah that would make sense.. then i would agree with the charges.. i am just as guilty for playing where you are not suppose to but with that comes the risk of getting caught. bummer deal..