Jeep Wrangler wont start..Thought it was going to blow up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
Alright now that I've got everyones attention haha. I've been looking for the forum and there are a lot of jeep won't start threads. I've been meaning to start a build thread just haven't had any time.

The jeep is a 1997 Wranger with a 2.5 and a ax5. When I bought the jeep it didn't start. The PO said he backed it in the garage and came out 2 days later and nothing. Thought it was the starter. On that note the ignition switch gets stuck in run position, but the key comes out. So I though PO pulled in couldnt get the key to the off position, got pissed and pulled the key and it drew amps and killed it. So Day 1 I get home take the battery to get charged, bought a new ignition switch solenoid, cylinder and key and it started right up and was fine.....

Fast forward til now 30 or so days later. I go out to switch the radiator, do that go to start the jeep and nothing. So I pulled the battery took it to advanced and was dead a hell. 3 amps couldnt even test. So I had it charger fully put it in and it just clicked. And looks to be only pulling 9 volts maybe 10 on the jeep dash. Couldn't find my voltmeter. It makes a weird noise like its booting up amd nothing. Lights got dem ect.. went around to the battery and the positive post was so damn hot I damn near burt a hole in my palm and though the POS ever start battery that has a 2/14 sticker on it was going to blow up...

So whats the deal? Just a dead battery? Why was the positive post that hot when it was literally in the jeep for not even 2 minutes and I tried starting it twice with not even a click from the starter. I would think after being fully charged and not a year old it would be good. I even bought a battery cut off switch. No difference. I'm going to buy a voltmeter to test battery and starter.

Any additional help, advice, info, guidance and criticism will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time..
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It's got a short somewhere.
Yep. It sounds like a short.

Best way to start is by checking each fuse slot with an multimeter set to mA and see which circuit is pulling current.
If the battery terminals are getting hot, the circuit in question will probably pop the fuse in the meter.
I did find one blown fuse yesterday. Just got to the jeep am going to see what I come up with.
Just got in..turn the key and just an insane amount of clicking coming from my fuse box under the hood..
Probably a relay or three that can't get enough power to stay shut. So they engage, power gives out, they release. The release frees up some juice from the battery, and they re-engage. Etc. Same thing that causes a starter relay to clatter when the battery is too low to turn over the engine.
It was def a relay ticking. I just tool my battery to get tested. 12.36v
592ccas out of 600
But you turn the key no dash lights barely any dinging..and certainly not even thinking about starting. Advanced said they dont carry the relays.
Make you check the ground wire on the battery and wherever it connects to. Also cable terminals.
Make you check the ground wire on the battery and wherever it connects to. Also cable terminals.

Yeah, especially if you get in it, everything seems to work, then you turn the key and it all goes to shit. If that's the case, I'd make sure the battery terminals were tight and clean, and if that didn't change anything, I'd look for degradation in the battery cables around the terminals, usually in the first couple of inches. Broken insulation, etc. Means some power gets through, but not enough to do anything important. And then when you turn the key, the bad connection gets hot and opens up, so then nothing works.

Good idea.