jeep xj wont run after it warms up

offroadin 88xj

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
My 89 xj wont run after it gets warmed up its spits and sputters and cuts off and wont start back up till it cools off I've swaped out the crank sensor anybody have any other ideas of wat could be the problem
Did you overheat it recently?
Maybe iat I can't remember my buddy had a similar issue, would not start while hot. He replace both iat and cps and fixes the problem.

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sounds like ignition. coil or ignition control module
Bypass the ballast resistor on the drivers side fender well. You can google it and find plenty of write ups online on how to bypass it. Common problem on renix xj's.
tap on the ECM after it gets hot (i use a screwdriver handle)!! i had one last week at work and it was the ecm found some info on Napafix the pointed me in the right direction.
Im pretty sure i need help on this same problem. I thought it was my crankshaft position sensor, but then my jeep died again on a hill so i feel like it could posibily be the fuel pump, i dont know. I need help