

The Scrambler
Jun 18, 2006
Biscoe NC
Anyone on here building a jeepspeed jeep or throwing the idea around? Im gettin ready to start a build on one finally and was wondering if anyone in NC had built one or was in the process of planning one out thanks.
Get ready to spend alot of money getting it to races. Closest one is at least 1500 miles away, one way. Most closer to 2-3 thousand miles.

There are alot of great jeepspeed parts, and if I were to build a cherokee, I would use alot of jeepspeed parts and concepts in my build, but no way I could afford to race it.
Love the road trip, hate the money.... WEROCK East was going to cost us about 4 grand in diesel.

4000 mile round trip is going to be 1500 bucks in diesel alone. (conservative...)

More power to you.

Buy ALOT of sheet steel and plate everything under the truck, spend ALOT of money on shocks and springs. Shocks are probably going to be 500 each for 4 of them, plus 150 each in jounce shocks, plus 1000 easy in leaf springs for the rear that will have to be rebuilt every other race.

Build the hell out of your rear, it takes alot of abuse with the rear leaves. Lots of impact. I would reccomend a 9 inch with 3-5 hog heads to change the rear ratio depending on the track.

Most tracks are best run in 2wd, but some are going to do better in 4wd. I would build a front axle and a front beam so you can have the option. When it is fast enough for 2wd, you dont want to deal with slinging a 4wd axle you dont need to sling.
^ are you the zuki buggy guy? if so i was the guy with the cherokee at the stables. i belive i heard you talking about maybe starting one. We started planning ours out early last week. Lot of work but man the fun factor is gona be up there. Shoot me a PM if intrested in any crossing of ideas or tech.
Yup....Like I was saying.....its real early!!

2 courses of action----

1.) build it to spec with dreams of the 1000

2.) build it to spec with dreams of the 1000, but compete in tough truck comps.

We really want to go to the B1K, but its hard for East coasters to do it. Sponsorship dollars would be the only way a bunch of hacks like us could pull it off.

If anythink comes up, I will get in touch with ya.

I know this is an old thread- but I was searching for race info and thought I would chime in.

Total cost of doing the Baja 1k, not counting the cost of the race truck, chase truck, and spare parts, is about $24,000 cash. That includes getting the truck down there and all of the registration fees and accommodations.

It's something I want to do as well, but the $24k+ makes it difficult to justify for the one time event. Especially one that only 40% of the entries even cross the finish line.
man the B1k isnt about crossing the line. its about being ballsy enough to do it inthe first place. thats why over half dont finish anyway. Race hard or go home.