
Endeavoring to persevere
Sep 26, 2011
Rural Apex n.c.
An alterboy is in the confession booth
he says " forgive me father for I have been w a loose woman"
The priest recognizes his voice and asks " Joey, was it Doreen Omally?"

boy " I cannot tell "
priest " was it Jenny Mulligan?"

boy " please father, I don't want to say"
priest " was it Sherry Macmillan?"

boy " I will not say "
priest " it must have been Teresa Sullivan"

boy "I beg you father please, I swore I would not tell"
Priest " your defiance in answering me is troubling, but I respect your resolve."
" you are off alterboy duties for 2 months, and I urge you to stay away from loose women and their temptations, you are a good boy"

the boy exits the booth and returns to his seat beside another alterboy who asks " what did he give you? " boy " two months suspension and four good leads! "
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