Jump needed near RBC


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I haven't driven the truck but for about 5 minutes in the past month.

Anyone near the RBC center with a good set of cables and a good strong battery willing to jump me?
Holy Crap you got overlooked man.There are a couple guys that live right near there.Maybe one of them responded.If not please feel free to shoot me a PM,I am not far away.
I'm just a couple miles away and could help you out tomorrow a.m. if nothing gets done tonight. Already had a couple of drinks, so not going to leave the house this evening. Just shoot me a pm.
Holy Crap you got overlooked man.There are a couple guys that live right near there.Maybe one of them responded.If not please feel free to shoot me a PM,I am not far away.

no shit man, i didnt even see this till now. not that id have been much help in joco but i was on my way back at the time and could have swung by

im guessing you either got a jump or got mugged. :lol:

if you still need any help shoot me a pm, id love a reason to quit working on this paper for a little while :lol:
I'm still in need to a jump actually. I've got a DD on top of the CTD so I drive that all the time. I bought some new cables but the Cavalier isn't going to jump it, hahaha.
If the Cavalier won't charge it, you need new batteries. Turn everything off (radio, whatever) and leave the Cavalier running for 20 minutes.
I'm still in need to a jump actually. I've got a DD on top of the CTD so I drive that all the time. I bought some new cables but the Cavalier isn't going to jump it, hahaha.

ill be back in raleigh monday night for exams on tuesday so if you still need one then id be more than happy to help out. shoot me a pm an ill swing by.
If the Cavalier won't charge it, you need new batteries. Turn everything off (radio, whatever) and leave the Cavalier running for 20 minutes.

They should still be good because they're only about two-2.5 years old. I'm afraid this is the case though. I tried letting it charge off the Cavi for a good few minutes and even if it shows a charge of 14 volts for a few minutes it still won't even turn over.