Katrina Victum, Fellow Four Wheeler in Need


Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Mar 18, 2005
Reidsville, North Carolina
Katrina Victim, Fellow Four Wheeler in Need

From The Off Road.com BBS
As most of you know by now, Al Sipe (Big Al) was hit very hard by Hurricane Katrina. Although his home is standing, it is basically destroyed. I did speak with Al on the cell and although they are physically okay, they aren't very well emotionally or financially. He was very happy to hear that we wanted to help.
I recieved a message from Galen Koch (Lomodyj) after Al posted the pics here on the bbs "Just saw Al's pics on the forum. Showed them to Sandra...She started to
cry, asked if the AJC was doing any kind of donation directly to him. It's the folks like Big Al that have lost huge amounts, yet, being
middle Americans will receive little or no help from organizations like
American Red Cross, Salvation Army, H.O.P.E et all. People like Al are
also the least likely to ever ask for help.
So, question is, is the AJC or even the Eastern Chapter interested in
setting up a donation point to go directly to Big Al and family,
something to help our friend get his world back into some kind of order
(whether he wants it or not)?"
Galen and Sandra kicked off the fund with a donation and after some consultation from other Eastern Chapter members The Eastern Chapter will kick in a minimum of $1000.00 from part of the Brian Sweeney Fund money and also from proceeds from the Jeepster Jam's that you have all attended and supported so well over the years.
We are also asking that YOU donate money for Big Al and his family to help them rebuild their lives.
You can send money via Paypal at ajcec@cox.net
or by USPS at AJC c/o
John Briscione
4250 Rommitch Ln.
Pensacola, FL 32504
Please make funds payable to AJC and you can earmark them AL Sipe. We will transfer funds bi-weekly to Al's son per his wishes.
Thank you all,
Link :
I'm sure they could use any help.