kids got to eat


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
car on truck.jpg
"Hell no officer, I came outta the can and it was sitting there in the back of my truck so I figured it was mine for the takin'!"
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA ughhhh but officer its strapped down...bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking hilarious!
I want to know how they got the Taurus in to the back of the truck. I figured they had one of those standard junk yard claw cranes to drop it in, but the roof looks fine.
Unless the other side is crashed out, I would drive that Taurus before I drove the truck!
Possible Back stories on how this happen:

after many many beers where Billy said "Fred you are too drunk to drive home. We'll put your tarus in the back of my truck and i'll drive you home"

Enterprise car rentals had a deal "Free home delivery on every purchase" Next time read the fine print on how it is delivered.

"Joe Bob, you do not have any tags on your car. you will get a ticket of you drive it home."

"Doug, Let's start up a repo service."

After thoughts:

If it was orange and had an 01 on the side it would have cleared that truck.

Ramps are over rated.

Trailers are highly over rated.

I should have bought the HD truck
That's one way to save money on a tow dolly......
What an idiot! Everyone knows you have to tie a little red flag to the end if it hangs over the bed.
I bet that policeman was speechless... I can only imagine the conversation that took place.:eek:

So I'm curious as to what an official charge could be.
"Carrying an unsafe load"? Is there something like that?
Obviously you'd be over the weight rating for the bed, but possible not the actual GVWR for the vehicle.... esp if the engine etc was removed from the car?
So I'm curious as to what an official charge could be.
"Carrying an unsafe load"? Is there something like that?
Obviously you'd be over the weight rating for the bed, but possible not the actual GVWR for the vehicle.... esp if the engine etc was removed from the car?

these thoughts were going through my mind aswell but....

Section 1 G.S. 14-399: its only unsecured after it leaves the bed of the truck.
20-140.2 its only over loaded if it blocks his view of the highway.

The only thing i could see to charge him with is

20-116 (b): Load cannot exceed past fender line.

MAYBE 20-140 Reckless driving, unless he can prove he took due caution to secure the load, which it looks like he made an attempt.