King of the Hill series finale


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Aparently is tonight... er right now.
I somehow had no idea it had been cancelled.

This one's for you, Hank Hill :popcorn::beer:

I had a neighbor in Lewisville that I swear was Boomhauer's cousin, topless, beer and all... I couldn't understand 60% of what he said.
I am personal;ly shocked the show made it this long.

Dont get me wrong it had its moments, but never managed to stay socially relevant the way the Simpsons did...pretty much re tread jokes after season 2
Ron I really agree w/ you... but some of Hank Hill's straight-as-an-arrow one liners are fantastic.

Got a new favorite tonight:
"If I had a nickel for ever time I buckled under pressure...
I'd have 5 nickels."


"That joy you feel is called Team Spirit.
It's kind of like the Holy Spirit but not quite as powerful."
its amazing that king of the hill evolved from beavis and buthead.
King of the Hill was one of those shows I always watched, no matter if it was one Ive already seen.

Even my dad likes it, and he hates just about any animated TV show besides King and The Simpsons.
futurama is the animated show that i never tire of.

Here here!
That and Family Guy.

And, well, robot Chicken if you consider that animated.
unfortunately the yall come on during those precious late-night family's-gone-to-bed, nice-n-quiet good-wrenching-hours.
it's nice to know there are other [adult swim] viewers on here.

Oh yeah if I'm near a tv between 11 and 1, it's on Cartoon Network
I really hope it comes back on. It's about the only cartoon I care for.

My favorite lines are
"That boy ain't right.", "Peggy, the boy." and "Got danggit' Bobby!"

Also something neat is Travis on here, multijeep, his parents have a female red bone hound that looks identical to Ladybird and it named such!