kingpin rebuild


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Need to rebuild my kingpins on the 60. I can do all the work, except I don't have a torch or a 7/8 allen to get kingpins out. Wondering if anybody local to Greensboro knew of a place to get them rebuilt, or if somebody wouldn't mind helping me out thats done them before. Also, any local places carry rebuild kits? I'll break the axle down and all that, just don't think I'll be able to wrestle the kingpins out from all the reading I've done on the PBB.

Like to get 'em done tomorrow so I can ride DPG Saturday :driver:


Have you actually looked at the kingpins yet? I've actually never replaced one myself. Springs, bushings, bearings, sure. But the kingpins were always in decent shape. I had one that was a little pitted, but buffing it with emery cloth was a hell of a lot easier than removing it.
Ya thats what I'm thinking I might do. I haven't torn it down yet but I really need to get it done before Saturday. Think I'd be aight without removing them. Read Billavista's article....he mentioned not removing them I just wasn't sure on which route to go.
I bought the 7/8" allen for like $10 from WT Tool in charlotte, spent about 5min on the knuckle/kingpin junction with the torch, shot some PB Blaster on the kingpin and then tried real hard for a few minutes with a 3-4ft breaker bar, reheated and then tried again, a little harder, and it popped right off. On the second one, I got it on the first try. Don't be afraid to pull harder (just don't pull it off the jackstands).
Ok thanks guys...where are yall buying rebuild kits locally. Really don't want to order one because I'd like to get it done tomorrow.
I ordered mine from the guy on Pirate.
Randys ring and pinion has a nice kit. I've rebuilt several of them, never replaced the king pin itself, just the plastic bushing and bearings.
