Knee surgery

Glad to hear it, Chip! Based on what I've seen from other folks, do what the doc says... especially about exercising!
Good deal. I've thought about you a dozen times this morning. Hope your not in to much pain.

I've not heard how Ashley's Grandma is doing. She didn't get in the OR till 12pm.
This time they didn't have to use any spare parts fro elsewhere in my body! LOL
Truth be told, Don't right, as many times I have let them cut on me, I may very well be breaching that mark!

Thanks all for the well wishes.

I will see you all at the Veterans Ride
Good to hear you are doing well. After mine, I swore I would ever do that again. sum bitch was sooo painful and took 6 months to get back to norm. If you need anything, just gove me a holler, I am just down the road!
Working on that Chip! Thanks
So they're calling a sex change surgery a knee replacement now?
Just yanking your chain! It's ruff getting our age, take care.
Hey Chip! Glad you are doing well. If you need any thing give me a holler!
Do 100% of the rehab, including all of the stuff at home that they tell you to do. Good luck on your recovery.