Kobalt Lowes Compressor...ever used one?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
We are looking to buy an air compressor to do some work in one of our projects....sanding..painting...etc. We saw the Kobalt 60 gal 3.5 running HP (13 cfm at 90psi) in lowes this weekend for $500.
Do you guys ever used one? What do you think? Any other suggestions?

We are looking to buy an air compressor to do some work in one of our projects....sanding..painting...etc. We saw the Kobalt 60 gal 3.5 running HP (13 cfm at 90psi) in lowes this weekend for $500.
Do you guys ever used one? What do you think? Any other suggestions?

I saw one today at Lowes, it was marked down to 400. Most all of those compressors are made by the same people-Kobalt, cambel-hawsfeld, husky, etc. I have a ch-no problems.
Also take a look at Tractor Supply if you have one in your area they carry Ingersaw Rand. I have A large Craftsman comp. and we have a older cambel-hawsfeld from Lowes. Never had a problem with the pair.

Check out how many CFM your air tools require before you get it. I beleive the pneumatic sanders really suck in some air. 13 CFM should run most tools.
For the price, it's probably not a bad deal.

But it is built from lower-end "homeowner" grade stuff. There aren't but two places to cut cost in a compressor -- cheaper motor, or cheaper air compressor (or both). The motor will probably be a 3450rpm motor, actually rated at 1hp or 1.5hp... the compressor is lower displacement than a "commercial" grade unit, so they spin it 2x as fast to get some CFM out of it. That also allows them to use a cheaper motor, since it doesn't need quite the startup torque that a high-displacement compressor would. The downside is that it creates a lot more heat and wears out more quickly. It's also louder.

Whether or not any of that matters to YOU is completely subjective. If you're just using it here and there, it might last you 20 yrs with no problems.
I also have the 60 gal one, is rated at 6hp, probably lower then that, it's over 8 years old and still holding up.
Also if you're going to paint with air.... I don't know if air sprayers have a built in filters so...... If not look into getting a filter to keep moisture out of your paint.
I was gonna buy the Lowe's one, but the Sears one went on sale. IIRC, they're all made by the same stinkin' company anyway.
painting or not a filter is a good thing.. you really dont want to run any water through your air tools
Rich said:
they're all made by the same stinkin' company anyway.

So were the Chevette and the Northstar.