KOH discussion thread


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
I can't believe nobody has started this yet...

So who are you rootin' for? Who are all the east Coast guys?
I have the day off work, so I'll be tuned in!
I was watching yesterday and it kept pausing and coming back online. It seemed like they were having issues broadcasting or maybe so much demand was creating the lag.

Solid axle east coast guys all the way!

You'd think, being at home, that I'd be all over it... but a 22-month-old and a 2-month-old are way more demanding than CAD jockeying. ;)
Anybody got the IRC link? The good one. The one that was on the bottom of ultra4racing.com/live. Ultra4racing.com is down right now.
Those guys are rough on you huh trailhugger
No they don't lol.
Chicky is kicking ass!
Is Chicky in the ZJ style buggy? Did he race ECORS at the flats this last year?

And does anyone know why so many drivers choose
numbers? Is that a chassis designation?
Is Chicky in the ZJ style buggy? Did he race ECORS at the flats this last year?

And does anyone know why so many drivers choose
numbers? Is that a chassis designation?

Unless something has changed recently, it's a bodyless buggy and he does race ECORS races. And they are ultra4 series numbers, mostly for the purpose of racing bitd, score, or other multiseries races. Also for looking cool.
Chicky is in his single seater, looks like he will finish 3rd unless something happens!!
Chister from the feed said:
"I pissed on myself about three times" - Chicky Barton after finishing the 185 mile 2013 King of the Hammers
