Kreg jigs


running dog lackey of the oppressor class
Mar 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Anybody know anything about them? I need to do some trim work (casings), maybe some cabinets. Can I get by with the little $20 "junior" jig, or am I better off buying the whole $150 master kit?
.I got the entry level for Christmas several years ago, then later went and bought the deluxe model with the toggle clamping...much faster to setup and drill than the clamp-on block.

If you are doing 1 or 2, the cheap clamp-on works. I keep it in my tool bag if I need to patch something up. If you are planning to do more than a handful, the full kit is well worth the money.
I've had both for years , and I really only use the clamp on one
I build and install custom cabinets and trim for a living , in tha shop we have and electric one , but out in the field the clamp and block does everything I need and I use it just about everyday. Just get the one with the clamp, block and bit you'll be fine.