Land rover guys

Blah blah blah

My rover is still on the road 50k miles longer than most. . It's been repaired so that the same things do not break repeatedly. i'd say it's been properly repaired.

the regular "maintenance" required at near 200k is a lot less than at 100k thanks to my "goobering".

My gooberings are common upgrades, nothing i have done is uncommon in the rover world.

it is not uncommon to see 250k, 300k and up on an XJ. I'll give you...a bronco takes alot more maintaining to achieve higher miles than an XJ, but not near as much as a rover.

And the number one reason not to own a Land Rover......

every one assumes you are the type of person this guy is
It takes two fingers, two seconds, and two brain cells.

Technically it's something between about about two million and two hundred million brain cells.
dont feel bad Reid I havn't even figured out how to quote someone yet!! haha

hit the reply button over here-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VVVVVV

I'd like to know how to do a partial quote.

follow above step, highlight the words you dont want to quote, press backspace/delete.
haha thanks Reid!!! sorry i was laughing so hard @ lockedup5's comment i clicked post reply!!! after I quoted him!!