Later than Sooner


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
After starting a few projects I finally got a game plan for one, for the most part. I've been working on it for a few months and want it done yesterday, but we all know how that goes. Anyways, got the clunker down to MarsFab to finish up some odds and ends thanks to cltdba. Thanks again, Chris I and Chris II. :flipoff2:

Alright, on to a few pics for now.

Chris III
Off the trailer and into MarsFab's shop.

The start of some new tube. Let Chris run with what he had up his sleeves for the hood lines and tell you the truth, I dig it.


Looking good Chris. I an digging the hood line as well. Gonna note that one!
Chris I'm glad to see you got the pics posted up. I've been trying to find a customer that would let me hack up their hood like that for a while. It's good to see some good feedback, thanks guys. It's hard to see in these pictures but the bend in the fenders also matches the bend in the front framerails so it all flows together. Hopefully when we get the front shock mounts done they'll also flow with the lines.

The last picture of the front grill makes the front of the jeep look like a pissed off gorilla. That should be your avitar.....
Looking real good.
dude i'd rock those!!
Done yet??

Chris III, great jeep build. It reminds me of your old yellow 5 but much much cleaner. Glad to see you're still a jeep junkie too.

Chris I, you've got your hand and creativity in quite a few local builds and you're making all of our rigs look better and better. If you keep it up the east coast might get some "trail cred". Keep up the top notch work and the professional attitude.
Chris III, great jeep build. It reminds me of your old yellow 5 but much much cleaner. Glad to see you're still a jeep junkie too.
Chris I, you've got your hand and creativity in quite a few local builds and you're making all of our rigs look better and better. If you keep it up the east coast might get some "trail cred". Keep up the top notch work and the professional attitude.
Well I really can't take much credit on this build. All I really did was the front fenders. I believe that Jim built the cage and Chris retrofitted it to this jeep.