Lawn mower for the winter: what do you do?

I'm glad to see a few ppl throwing out red armor. Been using it for years and swearing by it. Glad to know others feel the same.
It's the best GAS ''TREATMENT'' out there. If storing your stuff for any amount of time be it two cycle or regular, use it at shut down. It has better additives than anything on the market.
I'm surprised you are done mowing. I will be using my mower and leaf vacuum well into December. I don't do anything special to any of my equipment for the winter and it always runs. I didn't start buying ethanol free fuel until maybe 3 years ago. Then the pump at the station close to my house was out of service for over a year, so I was buying ethanol gas again.
Every time I see the various lawn threads and pics of yo guys w/ nice looking yards, I am jealous and think about putting more effort into mine.
But then I see this
I'm surprised you are done mowing. I will be using my mower and leaf vacuum well into December.
And I think, well I'm perfectly happy to have quit for the year and let the weeds keep growing slowly, and just knock 'em all down in early spring, I can now spend my Sat mornings [pretending to] doing other chores [actually just farting around]
When we bought our house, the PO threw in a JD riding mower with bagger. I changed the oil 2 years ago and put new blades on it. It does need a new battery. I’ve got 30+ live oaks on right at an acre. I’ll keep mulching leaves till December most likely. I use it all the time around the yard so not too concerned with gas sitting indefinitely.

Backpack blower and weed eater get used often but I’ve never had an issue with old gas in them
It's the best GAS ''TREATMENT'' out there. If storing your stuff for any amount of time be it two cycle or regular, use it at shut down. It has better additives than anything on the market.

so with ethanol free gas and red armor mixed up, what would you consider the shelf life on the 2 stoke gas?
No scientific research here but anything longer than a couple months and I'll just run it dry for storage
I don't do anything, just park it. I did the same thing when I lived in Illinois where it sat unused for 6months at a time and never had an issue. I always used regular pump gas with ethanol in it. I put sta bil in it one year and never did it again because I'm lazy.

I'm 0% concerned about it this winter being in NC now, especially since the temperature swings are far less violent.
One the gas, containing ethanol, if you have a mower over maybe 10 - 15 years, the ethanol, will eat up the fuel lines. Same with an old car. As the rubber dissolves, it end up in the carb bowel, where it stops everything up. Even clog the filter, if the line last that long. Having to do some R&R on my 30 yo JD fuel tank, I replaced all the lines with the new gas line that is eth-resistant.
I change oil & I have a filter too, every spring. I average 50 hours, & that equals 3000 miles. FWIW
I pay the local amigos to mow my 1.25 acres, no way I can buy a lawn mower, weed eater pay for gas and factor in my time for what I pay them twice a month