Lead Substitute


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Raleigh NC
My dad has an old tractor, gas motor, (64 or 65..not sure) and he's always run lead additives, but he was saying to me that he can't find it anymore, or it's getting harder to find. Did a quick google search, and it seems that the additives are getting scarce, and many people online are saying that its not really necessary, but he's gonna want to run the additives. Is it getting pulled from the shelves, or does he need to keep looking?

I can't say Ive seen it around here, But when I was in FL, we used it in our airboats. All the auto stores carried it as well as Sam's club. Same with the AreoShell oil. It may be a long shot if it gets to where he has no other options to check in those areas and order it by hte case.
Run kerosene or number two fuel oil
Much cheaper than the additive

x2. That's all the additives are anymore. I run that CD2 stuff in my stock '67 F head.

But...the resto guys I have talked to also told me, I didn't even need to do that unless I was plannin' on running the motor down to Fayetteville or some other long, sustained high RPM road trips!
I saw it in Oreillys in Lincolnton just the other day. It was on the shelf near the Seafoam.