
Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
Well guys this has been my 2nd deployment to this Hell Hole and Im finally done again!

Im an F-15 Fighter Crew Chief in the US Air Force and the job is so awesome out here!I love launching out our jets fully loaded and coming back empty its a great feeling!ANyways I am sitting here packing my stuff right now hopefully leaving very quickly(cant say when)

Anyways I have missed the whole summer which REALLY sucked,all your friends and family back home are having a great time it seems like everyday and your stuck here in HELL haha!ANyways guys I cant wait to get home(originally from Asheboro but based in Goldsboro) and get back to riding and hangin out at the lake just relaxing!

I have 2 weeks R&R but they let me take another week on top of that so I hope to see you guys out there riding around it will feel so great to be home doing what Id like for a chance!

Oh yeah....I ride a 94 SASed reg. cab yota,36" IROKS,tube bumpers,ARB's,etc.. anyways hope I can see you guys around!
cool man. glad your getting home for little bit. soak it up...enjoy! you deserve it!
Hey braxton357 Im actually suppose to be home within the next week hopefully!Its midnight here right now and Im going to leave to get my baggage checked within the hour but we make a couple stops before we get home(turning in guns,chem. gear etc.) so we will see how it goes!I actually went out to Devils playground for the first time back earlier this year I think it was,I had just gotten my new IROKS and had to try them out,good times!
thank you for your service.

Come to the ECORS Fall Brawl event at Callantee TN on 10/10 and I will personally pay your entry fee and you keep all the winnings.

How can you beat that deal?
F-15's, Baghram? I was there with the A-10's awhile back. I loved seeing them come back empty. Makes you appreciate what we are doing. If you are in Bagham I am glad to see you have internet now. We buil the morale tent (phones and puters) and the oversized deck while we were there. Glad to here you guys are coming home. Stay safe and if you stop in Ireland after hours they call the bartender in from home. Him and a few assistants showed up in slippers to sell drinks. Fuel Cell Maintenance for 13 years and counting here.
See ya sometime, we'll have to go wheelin soon. I'm in the race up in Mt. City in October, you should come up.
Yeah michael sounds good man!So you still got that buggy huh?I def. wanna ride in it sometime!
thank you for your service.
Come to the ECORS Fall Brawl event at Callantee TN on 10/10 and I will personally pay your entry fee and you keep all the winnings.
How can you beat that deal?
Hey man,that sounds like a deal for sure if I can work it in the plans!I have been wanting to go up there for a while now hearing how awesome it is,hopefully I can for sure make this!Thanks again!
F-15's, Baghram? I was there with the A-10's awhile back. I loved seeing them come back empty. Makes you appreciate what we are doing. If you are in Bagham I am glad to see you have internet now. We buil the morale tent (phones and puters) and the oversized deck while we were there. Glad to here you guys are coming home. Stay safe and if you stop in Ireland after hours they call the bartender in from home. Him and a few assistants showed up in slippers to sell drinks. Fuel Cell Maintenance for 13 years and counting here.
Yeah man it was def. alot better this year than last time as far as things to do and such but we flew 3 times as much as last time dropping ALOT more bombs and missles,it was a sad trip for a bit though Im sure yall heard about the 2 pilots we lost,I had launched those guys out a few times before,sad times.

Well Im officially out of Bagram and to another country(cant say where) but Im suppose to stay here for at least another 5 days, anyways cant wait to get home its so close!
good shit man, cant say I'm as bad off as you, I'm down in qatar, but still got 7 months left out here in this god forsaken part of the world, be safe man getting back and while your home
have a safe trip home, dont forget to give me a ring when you get in....gotta get your new headunit installed!
get back and settled in,give Joe and I a holler and come out and eat with us either a breakfast on a saturday or supper on a thursday evenin.To bad you won't be back in time to run up to UNF for Labor day weekend.We will be there through sunday evening.
have a safe trip home, dont forget to give me a ring when you get in....gotta get your new headunit installed!
Hey man,yeah for sure cant wait to see it in the yota!Im actually planning on buying a cummins which is in Asheville so maybe I can get both things done on the same trip!Ill give ya a call man thanks!
get back and settled in,give Joe and I a holler and come out and eat with us either a breakfast on a saturday or supper on a thursday evenin.To bad you won't be back in time to run up to UNF for Labor day weekend.We will be there through sunday evening.
Yeah man for sure!I was hoping to be home by then but from what I hear last night we wont make it for this weekend but bearly missing it,anyways I will for sure be down there riding in those 3 weeks I have off!
Hey guys!!!Im in the PAX terminal right now about to get on the plane to take me home to the USA!!
Well IM HOME!!!Its awesome just to wear some flip flops and hang out with friends and family!I will be at Badin lake staying in a house (air condition oh yeah haha) but staying over on the trails most the time when were not playin in the water,will be there starting Friday and most of that next week!Hope to see some of you guys!