LED turn signal conversion question...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2006
Vilas, NC
My TJ's front fenders were all wrinkly so I decided to chop 'em off and do some tube outers, and decided I might as well tuck the turn signals into the grill and get rid of the side lights.
Followed this writeup exactly and the signals work perfectly as long as the headlight switch is in the on or running lights positions. When the switch is off, the lights just barely glow and do not flash at all.
I've seen another writeup using different valued resistors, anybody have any bright ideas? My multimeter ran out of batteries earlier yesterday working on my house of course, so I can't say what voltage is coming through when the lights are dim, and what I really can't figure it is why there'd be no flash...
Ground Problem??? get some batteries for your meter and check the voltage.