Legal advice/answers needed

Backwoods boy

Jan 25, 2010
I bought some land around 7 years ago. The guy I bought it from lived beside the property. About 2 years later his house got foreclosed and I haven't seen him since. When I first purchased the land there was a jeep, looks to be a cj5 or 7, not a jeep guy and a Mazda b2200 late 80's model that was on the land I purchased and he said he would move the vehicles off my land soon. 5 years later they are still there and the man I got the land from cannot be found. My question is, after so long, doesn't the original owner of said property above forfeit the property and I become the new owner? What steps should I take now about these 2 vehicles? I wouldn't mind owning the jeep because it looks to be fairly solid.
You bought the land and all that is on it. Previous owners forfeit their claims at the time you closed on the property. Unless there was a very clearly definied contractual agreement that both parties entered into before closing, asserting both an ownership claim and a stringent timeframe for removal by claimed owner, they're yours.
Sounds right but what if he would come back and report the vehicles stolen and they are In my possession? Seams like there would be some kind of paperwork written somehow, somewhere, that would free me of any charges?
In other words, couldn't he say that I just moved them onto my property? It would be his word against mine and most likely i would loose in court. I believe there is something I'm missing.
Don't quote me on this, but I thought that you call dmv, give them details, they send state officer out to get vins.

They then contact last registered address by mail and if no response after certain wait period they issue you new title.

Not certain but I remember reading this awhile back.
Sounds to me 7 years of storage fees would probably tally on up there. Also sounds to me you played your cards exactly right to score some vehicles.

Look up "GIS" on your county / town website and look at the aeriel photographs. Go back as far as you can with the earliest dated GIS that shows the jeeps and save the picture. Heck, save as many years as you can find. That would be your legal proof as to "when" and "where" if ever taken to court as long as they were clearly on your land.

There's nothing sacred anymore when it comes to "word of mouth". I've been told that it used to hold up in court up til around the 1970's for it was common among family land. Not no more! I see this on a daily basis. Usually see fences, wells and buildings and such though. Even access driveways. Property irons are what is "sacred". Along with "title insurance" that you paid for upon closing on your land that states no encroachments / easements exist for the vehicles to be there legally.

I think I'd try the DMV approach if you wanted a title. Or just use them as trail rigs. And you may even need to get an estate attorney involved?

Congrats! Pics???
Call DMV in Raleigh, License and Theft dept. Regardless of them being on the property they are most likely still titled to someone. You will most likely have to fill out a form LT-260 (abandoned vehicle form) for each vehicle and send it to the DMV. Once that is filed (it will take a month or so), they will send a letter back giving further instructions. That is what businesses have to do when a vehicle is left on the property, unpaid for, storage fees etc. No storage fees can accrue until 10 days prior to the date the LT-260 form is filed (if you do try to charge storage prior to filing paperwork is is a misdemeanor.)

The DMV can explain the process pretty well, just make sure you research the statutes related to your situation so everything goes as planned. I had to research quite a bit for vehicles left at my shop without payment, your situation is a little different.
Thanks for all the replies. I have a few routes I'm going to pursue.
I had something similar. I connected LEO and was was told to fill out a claim for title though DMV . I followed DMV steps sold cars off 2 years later someone call me wanting there cars . I told them they where sold, they where not to happy tried taking me to court but I had paper work to prove I owned cars cased dismissed . Here is link to what i started with .