lets buy Fullers XJ and pay $5 to beat it with a big hammer...

I have had the chance to meet John. Camped beside him. Can't say I have ever met a nicer guy. Him, and his family.
John is someone who is as enthusiastic as they come. He is forced to do about everything, on a budget. And even in doing so, he has fun. Yes I give him hell on here, and in person for some of his fab work, but, truth be told, it still worked. Did he break? yes, he did, but it was the same stuff we all break, like u joints and drive shafts!
John, I do and will continue to call you friend.
As far as I am concerned, you take this bullying better than any of these other guys could
I am confused, what makes this guy's xj more ghetto than the rest of the xjs that wheel at URE? Clearly I have missed something cause what thought was either a joke or maybe a good idea for charity apparently has a background story that is deaper. Either way, I want it known that if the opportunity to drive over a vehicle for charity does arrise, i want in damn it.
Anyone got a picture of the front lowers, or the giant air tank strapped in the back?

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This is the same guy that had the trampoline roll cage correct? If so I met him in mtn city years ago I had to ask about the cage bc it was round and had holes but all and all seemed like a good dude maybe a bit crazy but hey I've wheeled my Zj hard as hell on its side few times with no Damn rollcage so not sure who's crazier honestly!?
Holy Cow guys...I am speechless at how a thread that started as the usual bash on me and my rig turned into all of a sudden support from every direction. dang, you guys are making it harder since it will be good while before I can return to the adventures!!!:beer:
o_Ohe's gonna get emotional on us.