I need to get a lexan windshield cut for swampy. It's tagged and legal now and driving with no windshield sucks and it's not going to get any better in the winter. Where can I have one cut?
just wear some ski/board goggles. its cheaper and they dont scratch up as bad. hahah no really though Lexan is gonna scratch bad if you use the wipers if that POS still has em. I would just get some SpeedGlass or something like it and rainx the fugg out of it.
yea....I know. It can have wipers......the rods are still in the cowl and the motor is in the basement. By the time it for it to be inspected then the roof will probably me mashed down to the cage.
Prob be cheaper to get a stock wind shield from the junkyard and run it. They last as long if not longer than lexan in offroad rides(lexan gets scratched so quick you'll replace it alot quicker).
To answer the question - Triad Plastics, outside Winston Salem. They will cut to any shape/specs. They'll probably buf it for you too so it's nice and shiny.
But for that much, custom cut - open the wallet wide.
I've got a lexan windshield in my truck. Scratched, yes. I polish it before I go anywhere with it because it gets cloudy. (Sits most of the time) If a regular windshield would fit, I'd use that. It does work though and when something big hits it (like happened to me) it scares the poo out of you cause it's twice as loud. Not sure what it was, but it would have make a huge crack in a glass windshield. (left 2 marks on the windshield about an inch apart.) Rain sounds different too.