Lift/T-case Questions....


New Member
Sep 22, 2010
Fayetteville, NC
I bought my 90 XJ with a 3" lift already installed. I'm not sure if the T-case was dropped or not but, I think it wasn't. Everything looks straight and in line. However, I'm new to 4WD's and don't really know what I'm looking at.

My questions are.......

1) If you install a 3" lift, is it necessary to drop the T-case?
2) Will not dropping the T-case cause the linkage to bind and be hard to engage/disengage the 4WD?
3) If not and the pin isn't bent, what could cause it to bind up and make it difficult to engage/disengage the 4WD?

Thanks in advance,
Yes the linkage can wiggle to a new length over time. Also there is no need for a tcase drop, I am almost reaching 4 inches on my xj and barely ever get a vibe. What I did do was shim the rear axle 4 degrees IIRC
I think the answer to #2 should be No. If you don't drop the t-case, you don't change relationship between the linkage and the body (which the linkage is mounted to).

I have 3.5" or so, no t-case drop, its alright.

I have 2 XJs, I think its easier to get in to 4LO if I put the tranny in Neutral. 4Hi is no problem from Drive though.
have 4.5 inches and ran for a while with nothing had slight vibes did a one inch t case drop and it had no noises.... so i say add another half an inch of lift just for shits and giggles