Living near high voltage powerlines

Per the article I posted - technically it is stealing power.
The decrease is small, but officially its there - the inductive coils add a load to the transmitter, which decreases delivery on the other end of the wire.
I suspect the cost in legal action exceeds what the power company actually loses, but their bigger prpblem is that they can't afford for everybody to start doing it. Not only bc at a large scal it would have a notable loss, but there's the more obvious loss of their revenue from bein a paying customer...
If I had a transmission line over my house or property, you could bet your bottom dollar that I'd try something like this.

Or in @jeepinmatt case at the whitewater center, I'd have something set up in my truck bed under a camper shell feeding a battery bank.
What are yalls thoughts about living near high voltage power lines? Like 200ft from dwelling to the closest line. Sure way to die young of cancer? No worries, don't even think twice?

Nothing more than anecdotal evidence to add, but the powerlines behind my house (well over 800 feet from my house) run at an angle and get closer to each house the further down the road you go. At the end of our road (6-7 houses down), a family lived there who's son was in my step-daughter's grade. In his senior year of high school, his father passed away of brain cancer. His mom dies a couple years later of a combination of brain and breast cancer (it had spread more, but those were the main hits). Not long after, he developed an operable tumor on his brain. They removed the tumor and he lived a couple more years but he just passed away about a month ago. This is all over the span of about 6-7 years.

Now, it could be that this is something that runs in their family, but I'm betting that the powerlines had something to do with it.
Saw this on another forum

There is a 69 kV line that traverses the tracks in this particular area. I was out on trouble last night and had to do some shunting (short across the rails). Nice light show after dark! There is a 69 kV line running along our RR right of way. I measured about 68 volts AC rail to rail. You can see the results of the induction on the tracks.....

There has got to be some way to passively capture that errant electricity and use it elsewhere. I'd love to tell folks I ran my house off of electricity I bummed from the transmission lines that ran near my house

If there is a way to accomplish this I'm sure your family could figure it out!! LOL
To complete the thought on this thread, it's a non-issue. The house/property went for about 50% more than I was willing to pay for it :eek: