Lock Right

Well, probably quite a bit if the hubs are locked. They make a pretty fair amount of noise in the rear and that's non steering.
My lockrite clicks when cornering and is a little louder when tight cornering like in a parking lot. The manual sez it is normal. Occasionally they will give a popping sound when cornering in reverse like backing out of a parking space. The manual pretty much forbids you to operate in 4x4 on asphalt not that that is what you are doing. It will create "driveline windup" which could possibly do damage from ujoints to axle breakage. I think I live just down the road from you if you want to compare the noises you're hearing. We just put a set in a jeep that lives near us and he is hearing alot of noise as well as the feeling of it wanting to lock up at strange times. I couldn't explain why but they seem to react strangely in different vehicles. Scott
Thanks for the Relplys----------- I am getting some of the Same Nosies------and Plus I had a Bad CV Joint that I am having Repaired---------------and Yes Driving on Pavement is a BIG NO NO--------------- Maybe should have Spent the Extra and got a Detroit-----------
Thanks David
I thought the same thing about the higher end lockers but decided to try a less cost one. I've been completely satisfied with the off road performance so far.
Had a lot of noises at first when I installed 2 F/R. Changed my on road driving style alittle and less noise. Yes I do still hear it but not as bad. Heavy gear oil helps too. :driver: