Aussies are the same as a lockright they were developed by one of the partners that developed the lockright. the highlight to a lockright is they are made in the USA and based out of SC I like to keep my money here at home and if possible on the east coast. however aussies are a good product for what they are. Decent to poor street manners( of course this is relative) and they depend on the stock case for strength and 8.8 cases are weak. however they are strong enough for your current set-up. whats the price on it i can probably beat it with a lockright price unless its used.
the auburn ected's are cheap b/c nobody is buying them when they go into locked mode it slides the side gear over and does not engage enough splines on the axle and in high traction situation big power they tear the splines off the shaft. The ECted do have a good warranty program, and again for your current setup they are strong enough. The ECTED was a great idea they just need to perfect it and if they do and keep the price down i would be all about them. Auburn is a great company but they just fudged this one a bit.
Detroits are tried and true tough as nails, unfortunatly if you break a shaft they implode, there warranty program blows, replacement parts are near immposible to get and are expensive and they very well may have the worst custumer service of any company manufacturing lockers. and they have poor street manners
The ARB is tough as nails, great warranty, fastest engage and disengage, almost unbreakable if they do replacemnt parts are easy to get and fairly cheap. great street manner, great offroad. downside they are expensive.
Detroit truetrac if you just wanted a limited slip they are tough, don't wear out, have great street manners, they just lack offroad when lifting a tire.
ultimatley it is up to you and what your trying to accomplish what is acceptable and not acceptable on and off the trail.