alright fellas, i just bought me a 99 xj about a month ago and its got a 8 in. lift runnin 35's. lockrite in the front (D30) and stock LSD in the rear (8.25) now i know that rear ends get a little warm but mine is gettin almost to hot to touch, could this me from the LSD heatin up that thin oil???? but neways, to my question, im thinkin about puttin an aussie in the rear, now is this a good decision considerin this is my daily driver??? and what gears should i change these axles to?? im runnnin 3.55 now, im thinkin 4.10 range maybe??? but i like my highway speed. also, with that lockite in the front should the driveshaft have a 1/3rd turn of play???? thanks for the help in advance fellas!!!!