Lockers - Front or Rear first?

I will say rear...because that is what Larry said :driver:
I am in the same situation on my CJ5 I am building I made the decision to leave my rear open and lock my front first because I didn't have the money to buy two lockers and i had to tear my front axle a part and replace just about everything except housing. So since it was already torn a part i went a head and put the locker in.

It will come down to opinion some will say lock the rear some will lock the front, I say if you have to tear your front axle apart for a repair already and you have the money for a locker lock it. Then when you get the money and if you choose put a locker in the rear.
I am in the same situation on my CJ5 I am building I made the decision to leave my rear open and lock my front first because I didn't have the money to buy two lockers and i had to tear my front axle a part and replace just about everything except housing. So since it was already torn a part i went a head and put the locker in.

It will come down to opinion some will say lock the rear some will lock the front, I say if you have to tear your front axle apart for a repair already and you have the money for a locker lock it. Then when you get the money and if you choose put a locker in the rear.

That's the way I'm leaning right now. I have to replace the seal in the front and a lot of people seem to love having the front locked, so since it needs work I might as well go that route. It also sounds like the D30 will do fine for some time with 33s. I'm planning to get the Aussie Locker, seems a lot of people have had good experience wiht them and its in my budget.

Thanks to everyone for all the feedback, this is a great place to exchange ideas.
you will NOT regret going front locker only until you can get a rear locker to go with it. you will outwheel people with only a rear locker. simple as that.
My fiance's cherokee is locked in the front, and not the rear and it works quite well. I'm not gonna get into the front vs. rear, but you gotta start somewhere, and while its apart is a good time to do it. Gear oil ain't that fun to play in twice.
i would go front first it sucks trying to push the front tires up a rock and just weld the rear mines lasted over a year as a dd
well my opinion is lock the front. That's what I did and it made wheeling more enjoyable. (but then so might have locking the rear). I honestly believe though it depends on preference, driving style, and what you typically wheel. Mud... i would say rear. Rocks i would say front
Both at the same time. Weld the rear, locker in the front.